From product development to market introduction
Being well-prepared for this challenging phase in the history of your organization
You develop innovative electronic products for the energy supply and are planning to bring them to market. This is a big step. The transition from product development to production, delivery and support is often underestimated. For one, it requires transitioning from a project-oriented to a process-driven organization. The great challenge with all the steps in the process is to bring and keep investments and risks in balance. We are here to help you organize this new phase as professionally as possible, so that your organization is well-prepared for all the changes it is going to bring.
From product development to product delivery
Your people are probably very good in creative technological processes, such as executing a proof of concept and developing the first prototype into a working product. But once you are actually about to go into production and delivery, other kinds of processes are going to become important, including setting up a production facility, stock management and lifecycle management. These processes can be a little challenging for creative organizations.
And yet all these aspects – and more – need your attention if you want to bring your electronics products to market. One of the most important questions is: what point in the process requires what investment? If you are still in the proof-of-concept phase, for example, it makes no sense to invest in supply chain management. But it does make a lot of sense to work out an initial business case in greater detail.
There are many further questions. For instance: what are the risks you will incur during the various phases? What is the long-term business case? What are the target group’s needs and does the envisaged product meet these? Are the products easily producible? What will you do if the supply of parts stagnates or even stops altogether?
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The Product Maturity Levels model
We can help you find the answers to these and many other questions, so that you are well-prepared for this challenging phase in the history of your organization.
As a developer and supplier of high-grade electronic products, we have gone through this complex phase ourselves. We want to share the knowledge and experience we acquired in the process with you, and that is why we have devised the Product Maturity Levels model. This model encompasses all important aspects of the entire process, from idea to production, delivery and support.
The Product Maturity Levels model describes the relevant milestones, processes and targets for every phase, broken down into the categories of Customer, Business, Development and Supply Chain. It maps the risks for every phase and shows what process steps must be taken in what sequence. In doing so, the model creates clarity and certainty about what activities and investments are appropriate for every stage of ‘product maturity’.
Talk to us
Are you ready for the transition to production and delivery? Or are you still working hard on development? Whether you are looking for help to set up processes, or would just like to talk to someone about the best approach for you, we are happy to meet with you. Get in touch today to schedule an appointment.